Karmyog Hi Tech Machineries always look toward the future.
As far as infrastructure facilties is concerned, Karmyog Hi Tech Machineries having more than 50 people working for manufacturing with guidance of 10 management people with One Visionary Managing Director - Mr. Bharat Lohar. To complete with the Global brands, we introduced Multi-Purpose Concrete Production line to provide world class technology and service to the growing Indian Infrastructure.
Having Its roots in Gujarat, Karmayog Hi Tech Machineries started in 1996. Quality measures at every steps of productions process, Ethical Thinking and Strong After Sales service support are the significant pillars behind the sucess story. We have professional backed with years of experiance in the field of Hydraulic, Mechenical, Building Material Solutions and Electricals. Enrich with 25 years of Excellence, We have more than 400 plants installed across India. KARMYOG is here to mould your future by adopting modern mechanisms and methods in Construction Material Solutions.